This post was written as part of my participation in the Frigidaire Test Drive Mom program with Mom Central. I received an Affinity Washer & Dryer and I’m loving blogging about my experiences with them! Actually doing laundry - eh, not so much....
Before I had the Frigidaire Affinity washing machine, I owned a Maytag Neptune. It was a great machine. It was an awesome machine - except for one teeny, tiny, SMELLY problem. The gasket that sealed the machine had a flaw and it grew mold.
And when I say that it grew mold, it REALLY grew mold. It was the most stubborn, longest lasting, disgusting mold that I've ever seen. I had the gasket replaced at one point, and I followed all of the instructions that the repair person gave me - I did a load of bleach clothes every few days, I left the door open every night, I wiped the gasket down.
i BABIED that sucker. And still, the mold came back.
I tried scrubbing the gasket with brillo, laying bleach cloths directly on it, and even used a Magic Eraser.
And still, the mold came back.
The Frigidaire Affinity has the Stay FreshAntimicrobial Door Seal, which means that it won't grow mold. Ever. Period. End of discussion. Except that, you know, I really didn't believe it - but it's true. I've had the machine for more than six months and there is not one speck of mold anywhere in the machine.
It's awesome. It's like a dream come true - not only does the machine get the CLOTHES clean - but the machine STAYS clean.
It's a win-win situation.