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December 20, 2011



That game sounds so fun! My family always plays a card game called 500 that's a lot of fun. It's sort of a family tradition to play, and now that our family is bigger, we usually have four tables of four players each playing after a holiday meal.


We don't play too many games together, unfortunately. We've always been at a point where the youngest just doesn't "get it." I'm slowly seeing that change. However, one game we play is every night at dinner. I started it as a way of getting the kids to talk about their day without getting the, "fine," answer. The oddest things come out during the course of it. It's just 20 questions. We take turns coming up with something, and then we go around the table asking yes/no questions until 20 have been asked. Then take turns giving their answers. Dinner is not allowed to end until the game does. If no one guesses correctly, the "it" person starts giving hints, and the folks playing can just start blurting stuff out. The kids talk to us, we have fun, and it turns out that mom (that would be me) might be a leeeetle competitive.

Carly G

Sounds like fun! I love love love family game nights! My favorite would have to be MadGab. There is always a ton of laughter to follow while playing that game.


I am always on the look out for games to add to our family game night.

domestic extraordinaire

My favorite game is Scrabble. The only problem is that no one in my house will play with me, even after my husband bought me a really nice Scrabble board that the tiles fit into and don't move. Maybe I should throw a game or two....yeah, I can't.


We love Apples to Apples, but I am always game for scrabble!
Thanks for the chance.


Pictionary Junior is the one we've been playing most recently, but we're cycling back around to Yahtzee tonight. Reverse Charades sounds right up our alley!


ohmygosh Balderdash is my fave-
I normally need a visit from hot paramedics bearing oxygen masks
because I inevitably end up laughing so hard I start crying & can't breathe :D


I love playing Trivial Pursuit, we have a couple of different versions I've picked up at garage sales, I like the 80's version, however kinda hard to play with anyone much older or younger than me...Reverse Charades sounds fun!

Jodie in MN

My favorite has to be Taboo with friends. In high school we would get together at least a couple times a month to play. Now many, many years later I still recall those times and smile. With the family we play just about everything, but a regular favorite is Pictureka! Reverse Charades sounds awesome. I know we'd love it!


Headbanz is a favorite, but Squirt always cheats.

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