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January 12, 2012



I "like" Shabby Apple!


So many beauties, but I think Ahoy is my favorite!


Ordinarily, I don't "like" facebook pages just to get in on a giveaway, but in this case, I really liked the page I was liking! Still checking out dresses...will be back with my favorite.


After careful consideration, I think I've settled on Peru, although my nine year old daughter pointed out to me that of the five dresses I currently own, three of them are polka-dotted (and two of those are black and white). I also love the one you chose, though, and Cayenne. Oh, dear.


I "like" Shabby Apple on Facebook.


I am loving the Joie de Vivre dress. Gorgeous color!!!

Denise LeBegue

I like SA on fb :)

Denise LeBegue

I love the G Cooper dress (and tons of others)!

elizabeth k

I liked them - because I DO! I would love to chose a classy, fun - polka dress for my April birthday...which by then I will be 50# less than last year!!

Thanks for the opportunity!


I like the Ahoy dress - would be so perfect for spring.


I liked shabby apple on facebook


I choose Puca Pucara - I know right? who would have thought?

Holly S.

I like Shabby Apple on FB as Holly Storm-Burge

Holly S.

I LOVE the Griffith Park Dress. Thanks!

anna pry

liked sponsor on facebook. Anna Pry, [email protected]

anna pry

i like the carnival dress
[email protected]


I LOVE the Martha's Vineyard!!! Three quarter sleeves and a-line skirt.....on sale now. Might have to purchase :-)


I :Like" Shabby Apple on Facebook!


It's hard to pick a favorite, but I really like "Freshwater Pearl" - and I didn't know they had a maternity line!

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