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February 06, 2012


Mary Copeland

I took a look at this product recently, looks good! That gold ROCKS!


Pick just one favorite color? yikes! If I could only have one color it would have to be red (not really a waitress red by opi has the best name of all time!)

Vicky C

Wow, that gold is amazing! But coral is my favorite.

Crystal Herself

I only use nail polish on my toes, and the gold would be a fun surprise for my husband!

elizabeth k

I have never been much of a polish wearer - except the toes; so that is usually some dark color - whereas my nails...if anything something clear/base coat type.

I am SO ordering this - how fun, and what a deal!


I love hot pink nail polish on my toes. I'm normally pretty reserved, so wearing something so bold on my toes is one way for me to show my fun personality :)


OPI Samoan Sand - the one I've loved since 2001!

Hair Care Products

I never tried this. let see whats the result after using it.


My favorite color is Boris and Nicole!


Vauu, I need more time to read this all, but great site! I put it in my favourites sites!

מוצרי vichy

The Oscar is soooooo cool!!!


My go-to color is Grey's Anatomy. It reminds me of an oil spill on water. It's green! No, wait, it's purple! Wait, grey!

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