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April 18, 2012



Our favorite flavor of V8 V-Fusion is Peach Mango Light, and second favorite is Strawberry Banana Light. We absolutely love these juices.


Cranberry Grape Raspberry or Cranberry Blackberry would be the ones I would try. They sound delish! Also, this giveaway is awesome!



I would love to try the Peach Mango! Sounds awesome. Can I add vodka? :)


I'm a sucker for Strawberry Banana anything, but I was surprised to find that I also really liked Pomegranate Blueberry. I don't usually like blueberry, but it was delicious!

Amy, Chicago baby photographer

We like them all, but go through a lot of the strawberry banana and the pomegranate blueberry in my house (all 4 kids love fusion!) :)


Ooooh!! I'm going to have to try that. The black cherry/pomegranate sounds so yummy. :)


My daughter absolutely adores the Strawberry Banana . The Black cherry pomegranate sounds like it could be awesome


Any of the pomegranate ones I love. SOOOO good!

Headless Mom

Getting ready to pop open a Strawberry Banana Smoothie. Haven't had it before but I can't wait to try it!


The few sips I have managed out of any of them I have brought home were quite yummy. What can I say, the little ones are big fans and who am I to dissuade them from drinking these?


I would love any - but I have yet to taste it. Yes, I know you have written about it often but I just have never thought I would like it. You've convinced me - I always liked V8 tomato juice (w/a shot of vodka and hot sauce) -- will try, and think my picky 4yo would like it too!

Thanks for the opportunity!


I would like to try the Pomegranate Blueberry, the Peach Mango is wonderful.

Katie R

I enjoy the strawberry banana V-8 Fusion flavor, and although I've never tried the concord grape raspberry one, it sounds delicious also.


I haven't tried it yet, but I just bought a bottle of pomegranate blueberry, it sounds really yummy. I'd like to try the strawberry bannana as well

Katie I.

I love the strawberry banana. There are only two of us so we don't go through quite as much V-8 as your family, but it is a little scary to me that we come close some months. :)


I have the pickiest eater ever in my ten year old son. We buy the Strawberry Banana V-8 fusion in cans so I know he'll get at least a few servings of veggies every day. I can't wait to try the sparkling juice-I had no idea they were available from V-8.

Terry Faulk

Love the grape rasberry. I can't drink alcohol so I can't wait for the sparkling juice. When I have company, I can put it in a wine glass and not feel so left out!


Tropical orange sounds yummy


I've tried the sparkling V8 and my favorite is the strawberry lemonade, perfect for summer.

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